Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gender Role and Highest Public Office Essay

â€Å"Today there is no field where the women have not shown their worth. From holding highest public office in bureaucracy to holding highest political position, the women have shouldered all kinds of responsibilities with grand success. A lot of change has taken place, in their position in this man dominated society. With this gradual transition from household life to working women the sufferings of women have increased manifold. † During ancient days women have been adored and worshipped as goddesses. Our country itself is called ‘Mother Land’ in utter contrast to the fatherland of the West. In ancient period, several women occupied distinguished positions in society and played very important role. Maitreyi, Lilawati, Gargi, Katyayani, are some of the unforgettable names which can neither wither nor become absolute. The women have been adored since time immemorial as virtues incarnates. Saraswati is called the ‘Goddess of learning’; Parvati, the Goddess of Chastity; Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth; Durga Kali, the goddess of Power and Energy. Manu, the great scholar said â€Å"Where women are worshipped there the deities are pleased†. The women were the centre and foundation of the social and cultural life of the family. Home was the women’s sphere of activity. ‘Men make houses and women make homes’ is the traditional belief. The duties of woman were just contained to bring up the children, and caring every family member with her loving and amiable, characteristics which she naturally owes. It was the traditional faith that man is for thy field and woman for the home. With the political emancipation of India, the women of free India ushered into a new role. Today the women enjoy equality of status, equality of opportunity with men. She became financially independent and economically sound, she became the major decision maker, and she became the policy maker in various new fields. She ventured into outer field, but the traditional views about her role as home maker, about! Her so called sacred duties of Mother, Sister, Wife, are still kept on demanding on her the women are divided between her official work and home duties. Her duties start from early in the morning with many responsibilities on her shoulder before going to office, like preparing breakfast, lunch, getting kids ready for school etc. During office hours she has to work equally or say more sincerely than her male counterparts. She has to fulfill her duties at home even after office homes. Her pathetic position, working at home as well as at office, is not admired, even by her husband or mother-in-law or father-in-law. The support and cooperation if extended by her husband in household; work is at his sole desertion. Husband is free to take excuses of over burdened work pressure of official exigencies, but wife is expected to be found fresh and amiable all the time. The men consider the household work as sole responsibility of the women. He considers working at home below his dignity and if he does something it is done as per his wish and convenience. The working atmosphere in the offices, particularly, for the women is also not so congenial. Most of the male counterpart treat the woman an easy scope goat for fulfilling their sexual desires. The incident of intentional touching, double meaning dialogues, unwarranted comments, piercing in her private affairs are some of the common examples which create lot of irritation and make the women unnecessarily defensive. The incidents of one sider sexual advancement by the boss, staring at her body parts, alluring her with quick promotion in return, are generally to be faced by a working woman. With women entering into new fields, she become more vulnerable to the dangers like eve-teasing, sexual advancement, transfers, etc. The women can only explain to have frights and hardships experienced by her while working in office. In the present male dominated, patriarchal society, people find it difficult to accept the women as independent personality. In addition to these hardships, the women are bound to play the traditional role of child bearing and child rearing. She can’t desist from her role as a mother and as a wife. So while performing these natural roles, sometimes she had to be out of office for a long period which causes adverse effects on her career, though not openly but in reality. One more peculiar problem, a woman faces while keeping the children with her, in case when her husband is transferred out of town,  ·and she is unable to shift being a working woman, as the children prefer to stay with mother. Now she has to play the role of both the parents and her duties are tribled. The problems of a career women are endless and peculiar and differ from place to place, office to office, and person to person. In this fast changing world, particularly the role being accepted and played by the women, the analysis is but necessary to find a suitable balance in order to save the career women from their ever increasing hardships. It has become irrelevant to talk that traditional role played by the women, was a better course. The woman has her own personality, more confident, financially ndependent, accepting any kind of challenge, can no longer remain under the illogical dominance of man, but at the same time she suffers a lot mentally and physically divided between home and office. The situation demands effective measures to protect the working women in her official environment from the lust and greed of male bosses and colleagues. There is an urgent need to make new amendments to provide extra legal teeth to IPC Section 292 (Sale of obscene books), Section 293 (Sale of obscene objects to young), and Section 294 (obscene acts and songs) and to the indecent representation of women (prohibition) Act 1986 and other laws. Educational serials and programme must be launched to educate the society through audio and visual media, so that the women could feel safe in her office and live peacefully with dignity. Unless man’s attitude towards woman changes any kind of law, however, strict and stringent may be, cannot change the conditions of working women in our society. Our society had been a male dominated society; the changes are gradually being digested. With necessity of time absences of joint families the financial independence of women are making the male absorb the change slowly but gradually. The actions initiated by the government against the eve-teasing, sexual harassment of working women, have also brought a lot off avourable change in the life of working women. In spite of all the hardships being faced by the working women, it must be noted that women have fought a great battle and are still fighting at their own against the fright and hardships faced by them and got remarkable success in every field of life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Existence of God

The Existence of God Kimberly Mongold PHI 208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Instructor Kenneth Mentor April 07, 2013 ? Since the beginning of time people have often questioned the meaning of life, how the universe was created and the purpose for the wildlife and creatures that roam the earth. These things often lead us to question the existence of God. In order to even begin to answer these complex questions we must uncover the source of all of these occurrences. In this paper I will discuss the issue of Gods’ existence; present one basic dispute and clarify the arguments on multiple sides of this issue.I will structure an argument that supports the side of the issue I find to be better defended while explaining why I find my side of this debate stronger. In conclusion, I will state my own view and defend it with an argument. Does God exist or did the â€Å"Big Bang theory† or other natural theories play a role? Even though it is absolutely impossible to prove Gods’ existence, I personally believe that the presence of God is so evident that we do not need solid proof to verify that he is our creator. When it comes to the issue of Gods’ existence, everyone has his or her own view of whom or what â€Å"God† really is.Some people believe that there is one God while other believe in multiple Gods or even Goddesses. Most believers do not feel that is necessary to prove that God exists however, there are others that believe that it is essential to provide proof since there is no scientific evidence of his existence. People are often skeptical when it comes to this issue since God cannot be seen. This dispute often raises a very puzzling question. Should people be expected to provide proof of Gods’ existence or should we just accept that he exists based on faith alone?Skeptics believe that simple having faith that something is true without actually seeing it with their own eyes is meaningless. Most skeptical people center their b elief system on evidence presented in order to better judge certain claims. According to Queensborough Community College (n. d. ), â€Å"Physical or phenomenal evidence to validate religious beliefs is impossible to produce because religious experiences usually occur privately and are subjective, making it impossible to be justified and scrutinized rationally and honestly†.Since skeptics have not seen any type of proof about Gods’ presence, they will continue to disbelieve claims of his existence. Most people that question Gods’ existence often lean more toward science because they believe that evolution and other scientific theories make more sense. In this day and age scientific developments are increasing at a rapid pace, which often creates arguments against the notion that God is our creator. Many skeptics believe that natural causes contributed to our existence such as the â€Å"Big Bang Theory†. The big bang theory states that at some time in the d istant past there was nothing until a process known as vacuum fluctuation created what astrophysicists call a singularity and from that singularity, which was about the size of a dime, our universe was born† (Shestople, P. 1997). Skeptics are more accepting of natural theories because they seem to produce more accepting results than supernatural ones. If faith is centered on reasoning, analysis and proof, then it is very unlikely that skeptics will accept the assumption that there is a supernatural existence of any kind.Also there is so much evil present in the world, which can often cause a skeptic to form opinions against Gods’ existence. Occurrences that cause despair happen every day, which can make one question the reasons behind them. â€Å" In addition to the kinds of events that are caused by human beings, there are other events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, fires, and other natural disasters that have taken the lives of millions † (Mosser, K. 2010). Skeptics often wonder why these type of things occur if there is a God.If God is so powerful why would he allow these horrific things to happen which cause people to suffer? They believe that if an almighty and perfect God existed, he would prevent evil as well as natural disasters that often cause pain, suffering, and even death. Most skeptics believe that proving Gods’ existence is vital in order to find the answers that they are looking for. Faith in something that is invisible will never be enough to sway a skeptic. True believers in God do not feel that it is necessary to prove Gods’ existence because they have faith in his presence. God is hidden only to our body and our soul, but God is not hidden to our spirit, we must look for him† (Harvard Computer Society, n. d. ). Supporters believe that we must seek God with our spirit in order to contact him since we are unable to see, hear, or touch him. â€Å"When people believe in Chri st they receive his life into them† (Harvard Computer Society, n. d. ). Believers do not rely on science or any other proof of Gods’ existence because they do not need physical evidence to distinguish His existence.Believers do not think that we appeared here on earth from natural causes or from the â€Å"Big Bang† theory. A supporter of God believes that God is the creator of the universe as well as every living being. People that have trust in Gods’ existence believe that there are many examples that can demonstrate that we did not just appear here naturally. For example, the universe is designed so perfectly that there is no way that this happened by chance. The universe and the life forms in it all depend on each other for the existence.One example of this is the ecosystem; plants breathe in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, while animals breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide; plants feed animals while decomposed animals feed plants; this is the cy cle of life. â€Å" Consider how complex a single organism is†¦Each organ and tissue has purpose, all of which shows signs of an intelligent creator, there is no other possible explanation for it† (University of Houston, n. d. ). Believers in God have faith that God is our maker and that we are not here by chance. When it comes to evil things that often occur, believers in God do not think that God is responsible.God gave us the freedom to make choices and we choose to do the things that we do. â€Å"God has given us the ability to choose good and evil, and when we choose evil he allows us, and those around us to suffer the consequences of evil† (Eby,D. n. d. ). We have the ability to choose whether to commit good deeds or evil ones. â€Å"The evil that does exist is that caused by human being who possess freedom† (Mosser, K. 2010). Supporters believe that God does have the power to overcome evil as well as natural disasters, but he may not have the desire to do so for his own reasons that many of us do not understand.The argument that I find better defends the existence of God is that we do not need proof of Gods’ existence, our faith alone is good enough. Just because we cannot see him does not mean he does not exist. â€Å"His presence is no longer in his earthly body; it is rather in his spirit abiding our hearts† (Loyola University, n. d. ). I believe that the people that doubt Gods’ existence do so because they are unable to see the beauty and wonder of the world around us.When it comes to the evil in the world, I believe that God has given us the freedom to make choices and to learn from our mistakes while also dealing with the consequences. If we do not experience the aftermath of our bad choices we will not learn from our mistakes. â€Å"God cannot overrule every evil choice of man and every evil consequence there from without contradicting his own purposes in creating being with free will† (Mattis on, M. M. , n. d. ). This is part of the price we pay for freedom, and which God himself pays for creating us. God did not create evil, therefore, he should not be held responsible for it.In conclusion, although several people have attempted to dispute the existence of God with the advances of science and technology, there is still an excessive need to prove Gods’ existence. Since we cannot see him it is difficult for many people to believe he exists. Believers is God do not require any type of proof because they have faith of his presence. Gazing at the stars, observing the beauty of nature, believe that the laws of the universe seem to have been framed in such a way that stars and planets will form and life can emerge.Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical. Understanding the complexity of the universe points to an intelligent designer, which is God. We do not need to see God with our e yes or even touch him in order to know that he exists. It is through our faith in him that we know he is real. I believe that God has surrounded us with so much evidence that he exists, but we must seek him in order to feel his presence. References Eby, D. (n. d. ). â€Å"Why Does God Allow Evil? † Retrieved from http://my,unbc. du/discussions/2026 Holy Spirit (n. d. ) Loyola University of Chicago. Retrieved from: http://www. luc. edu/faculty/pmoser/idolanon/Holyspirit. html Mattison, M. M. (n. d. ). â€Å"Don’t Doubt God† Auburn University. Retrieved from: http://www. auburn. edu/allenkc/openhse/theodicy. html#Power Mosser, K. (2010). â€Å"Philosophy: A Concise Introduction†. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. San Diego, CA Retrieved from: https://content. ashford. edu/books Proof of God (n. d. ) LeTourneau University Retrieved from: http://www. letu. edu/_Academics/Arts-Science/chem-phys/documents/ProofofGod. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The sound of my alarm clock started ringing

The sound of my alarm clock started ringing.   I tried to stop it in my half-awake state, looking at the clock; it read 7:30 in the morning. I tried to push myself up and prepare for work.   Once I got up, I opened the curtains and felt the sun’s rays touch my eyes.I felt that it’s going to be beautiful day. As I proceed to the kitchen, the smell of brewing coffee aroused my senses and captivated me to drink a cup before heading for the bathroom and prepare for work.After I finished fixing myself, I headed out of my unit and went outside. The sights of the place seem to indicate that fall is fast approaching.   It is when leaves starting to turn to brown, birds chirping and the winds slowly building.As I walk on the sidewalk towards the subway, I glimpsed at children laughing and playing while their parents reprimand them of staying put. Even though the sun is exhibiting its brightness and warmth, the wind seems to overpower him as it sends chills in my body. Afte r a couple of strides, I arrived at the park.There the trees sway as if they are encouraging the wind to never stop. The usual visitors were there doing their own thing. The jogger, as I want to call her, was doing her laps.   The old couple was at their usual places reading the morning papers with each one giving me a smile as I headed my way.There was nothing unusual about this but the weather seemed to indicate otherwise. People looked more calm and cheerful while the birds are as if chirping their last and the wind seemed to blow an aura of happiness to every individual.   As I approached the subway station, I again took the liberty to look at town, seeing that everything seems to be in their proper order, I started to head down.Sitting in the train and recalling the instances that greeted me awhile back, I started to show a glimpse of a smile.   After all that happened, I know for a fact that today is going to be a beautiful day for everyone.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Formal Research-based Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Formal Research-based Proposal - Essay Example The National Cancer Institute provides updated information on the deathly costs of smoking: â€Å"People who smoke are up to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. Smoking also causes most cases of chronic lung disease.† Clara Phyllis, an employee in the organization, testified to the harms of smoking: â€Å"I’ve been smoking since I was 14 years old. Now, I have lung cancer. I wish I quit earlier.† Cigarette smoking is connected to the productivity of employees and the performance of the organization because it impacts their welfare. Smokers are three times likely to be absent or late because of their smoking-related illnesses, John Hopkins, a human resource staff, reports. Hopkins underscores the need for addressing smoking at work because he notes that people spend more time working than at other places. He advocates for a centralized effort in addressing this health and firm problem. Since smoking occurs at the workplace, it is important that the company implement a comprehensive workplace-smoking program to benefit the employees and the organization. This paper proposes a wide-ranging workplace-smoking program for the company. Background The organization needs a program that will address the needs of educating smoking employees about the consequences of their smoking and helping them to quit this bad habit. Alley Dimple, another HR staff, has recently collected information about smokers at work. She says: â€Å"Around 5 out of 10 people are smoking several times a day. Many of them are constantly sick with colds and other smoking-related diseases. They are more absent, or late, or in need of medical insurance because of smoking.† Her report shows the urgency of addressing smoking because it affects the health of the employees, while reducing their respective performance. Dimple notes that people need to be educated in why they have to stop smok ing and how they can do it: â€Å"Smokers need guidance. They need to be directed on their way towards recovery. This addiction can be stopped, but it is not something they can or we can do overnight.† She emphasizes the importance of education at the workplace to this effort. Smokers can change their smoking behaviors through education and other organization forms of support. HR staff Hopkins agrees with Dimple that firms need to support smoking cessation programs: â€Å"Smokers are not fully aware of the impacts of their smoking on themselves on others. At the same time, they need help quitting their bad habit. Getting help, however, is not something they do voluntarily easily.† He underscores the role of companies as networks of support. Healey and Zimmerman assert in their book that workplace smoking cessation programs are â€Å"more cost effective than many other clinical prevention services† (321). Adult smokers quit more rapidly when their workplaces are supportive of their efforts (Healey and Zimmerman 321). Apparently, a workplace systems approach can be used to understand the impact of organizations on employees. See figure 1, The Smoker in the Workplace. It explains the environmental factors that impact smoking cessation. Figure 1: The Smoker in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethical Considerations in Leadership Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Considerations in Leadership - Article Example His message was that, I should keep down my head and avoid drawing any attention concerning the problems that the company was facing in performance. The fact that the control purpose of the meeting was to be affected by the manager’s demand made me very uncomfortable. Covering up the problems that led to poor company performance worried me because this was very unethical. I was also concerned of being accused of things that the manager could not have told me, which could also be affecting the company. Despite these misgivings, I went ahead to attend the meeting, just to avoid being at loggerheads with the manager. On attending the meeting, I had to address issues concerning the company that I had no slight idea about. When I informed the manager about eh meeting and the questions asked, he was very angry at me, accusing me of betraying him. After a month, I was given notice concerning my job contract termination. A month later, I was fired with claims that I was a poor perform er and could not meet the company’s expectations. This really discouraged me and to me, the manager was unethical in carrying out his duties. Problem Identification Real leaders consider doing the right thing irrespective of its consequences when faced by difficult ethical dilemmas (Kidder, 1995). Managers experience such dilemmas when caring out their daily chores as Greenfield (1991) says. Developing moral obligations to the companies and their employees leaves them in a situation where they have to determine what is morally right. Unfortunately, very few leaders are usually able to deal with such conflicts. Until recently, ethical issues were accorded little attention in dealing with organizational conflicts (Kidder, 1995). The problem in this case is that, the manager was not ready to attend the meeting because he well understood the problems. He therefore feared any confrontations from his superiors and thus opted to send me to represent him. Though he could have been co nfronted for the poor performance of the company, he could have handled the situation better than me, because he was more experienced. As for me, I was very new in such issues, despite not being responsible for the problems. The manager could have also sent his assistant who could have also argued out the issues better than me, just a junior staff. It was unfortunate that the questions asked were very unfamiliar to me. On the other hand, the manager knew very well where he was failing but kept on assuming his responsibilities. For example, poor trained staff and late delivery of supply goods were the main problems. These are issues he could have addressed early enough by seeking help from his seniors. On the other hand, these were issues he could have presented before the board during the meeting. However, he was reluctant because he well knew that he was to blame for such mistakes. Another solution was for the manager to attend the meeting and air his views concerning the problems in a way that worked out better for him, since he was in a better position to defend him. As Kidder (1995) says, management crisis are better handled by the affected party than a second or third party. However, the best solution to the manager, which is also ethical, was for him to attend the meetings personally, explain everything, and ask for assistance in proving the company’s performance. For example, since the main problems were delayed delivery of goods and untrained staff, the manager could h

Homework assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Homework assignment - Case Study Example One customer may complain about the store’s services online and have great repercussion to the businesses sales. The presence of social networks handled to the constant connection of more customers Customer before and after sale services have a large impact on the store’s customer base due to the relationships levels. The employee’s interpersonal and communication skills have effects on the customer choice of the store. The case study has also revealed the efforts of the management to improve these skills to ensure that the store attracts more customers. The management has come up with training procedures that have will help improve employee-customer communication and relationships. It will also help interpersonal relationships between the employees that will encourage helping amongst various departments. These strategies will improve customer satisfaction ratings of the store and in the long run increase the number of sales (Lawson, 2006). Without proper customer handling skills, a firm without customer handling skill may lose all its customers. The retail store has adopted a customer service training program that will incorporate all employees. The core objectives of the employee program are to improve customer interaction through relationships and good communication skills. It will focus on the employee behavior towards customers despite the situation they are put in at the store. Knowledge will be passed to the staff through use of videos that portray the real situation that an employee may encounter. Situation behavioral approach helps control employee emotions towards customers despite the character traits of the customers (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). The videos are presented in two sessions that expose different situations depending on the employees response towards the customer. They show both good and bad customer services and ways of handling. After the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Roles and Function Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Roles and Function Paper - Essay Example Planning for emergencies is also a management function. Organizing the health care services and staff is another important management function in health care setting. Leading the staff is another function of management where meeting need to be held with staff to give them instruction and direction. Controlling is the final function where the team of staff needs to be built and maintained. Controlling risky and emergency situation is also a function of management. Such functions are highly useful in managing me in my previous job. I have planned my working schedule well once I was working. I have planned how to meet the patient’s need and the goals of my employer. I was well prepared for uncertain situations. I was well organized in my work and I used to follow my work schedule and requirement properly. Also my co – ordination with staff and patients was good because I thought it made my profession efficient. Controlling my behavior, emotions and attitude was more of benefit for me while working. The health care function manager needs to perform many functions. The most important function of a health care manager is maintaining the smooth operation of the health care system of the organization. Like any other business, health care sector need good management to run it smoothly. Planning, directing, coordinating, supervising are all needed for an effective running of a health care service centre. In a diversifying health care sector, there may be employees from different backgrounds and co – iodinating and leading them is not easy. According to( Lavey,2007,pg.363-74) â€Å"The natural population growth, aging of the population and consumer revolution have all increased the demand for health services in public hospitals†. Specialized skills and knowledge is essential in diversified health care sector. These are some information analyzed from the class. This class is of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The children of King Tutankhamun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The children of King Tutankhamun - Essay Example The two mummies are suspected to be his still born children of Tutankhamun, DNA testing is currently being undertaken by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in collaboration with the Cairo University‘s Faculty of Medicine. In ancient Egypt, a pharaoh’s family was buried in a tomb, which essential was similar as Pharaoh’s tomb (David 60). The mummified bodies discovered in the tomb were accorded the respect that the ancient Egyptian had on the dead. The Egyptians respected the gods and worshiped then sometimes even praying to the m for children. They thus saw children as pure and blessings from the gods. They were buried alongside their belongings with the belief that they would require them in their next life. Some people also believe that the pharaoh was buried, alongside these children for him, to start life as a newborn in the new life where they believed that he was headed (Fleming & Alan 57). The objects symbolize the children of the pharaoh; they tell us much about the Egyptian history. The way people lived and related with one another in that community. By the study of these mummies, then the scientists have been able top uncover much about the pharaoh’s life (Fleming & Alan 56). The two mummified bodies do not represent any gods; the gods could be represented by something else found in the tomb. It is believed that the ancient Egyptian did not use people as symbols to represent their gods. However, they did use certain objects like images of the gods casted in gold (David 67). In ancient Egypt, if the pharaoh’s children died at a tender age, then they were supposed to be buried beside their father in his tomb. This is what is suspected to have happened to the children of Tutankhamun. Studies by the archaeologists show that the two children might have been twins who died at a birth. They had several defects that might have caused their deaths (Zaki 67). The children were buried with the pharaoh in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Consumer behavior segmentation methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consumer behavior segmentation methods - Essay Example Geographic segmentation focuses on the characteristics of a population, the geographic region, and similar such characteristics tied to specific geographies. Segmentation is a natural offshoot of the insight that markets are complex, and that to be successful brand managers need to segment markets with specific needs, and responding to specific segmentation cues and messages of benefits. The four basic segmentation methods offer alternative ways of viewing and understanding such complex markets (TIS Consulting Group, 2012; Tynan and Drayton, 1987). Apple’s iPhone stands out from the competition in the way it is perceived by its customers as being premium, of offering a cool factor, of being the standard against which all other smart phones in the world are compared and measured to, and in offering an ecosystem of apps, music and other media content that both the providers of the content and apps as well as the purchasers of those content get unparalleled value in comparison to competing ecosystems and platforms, such as Android represented chiefly by Samsung smart phones. The ecosystem is not a trivial aspect of the phone, but lies at the heart of its appeal from a functional point of view. The phone serves as a gateway to the world of Apple services, and where customers become familiar to that world of services, they become entrenched and are unable to switch to other ecosystems without considerable adjustment. The ecosystem is an anchor for retaining customers as Apply churns out new models and iterations of its phone s. The ecosystem too adds to the appeal of the phone, in terms of the way the different services in themselves, and the different apps, work in ways that are optimal in iPhones, and not in other devices. For instance, Apple’s music and content services work only with the iPhone, while many apps, while also

Friday, August 23, 2019

How Did Hip-Hop Start Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How Did Hip-Hop Start - Research Paper Example Contrary to popular belief, hip hop music was not originally an American invention. Although one can of course claim that due to the fact that it of all within the United States, it somehow holds the title of being American, the fact of the matter is that DJ Kool Herc was originally Jamaican and had only come to the United States three years prior to exhibiting this unique style of music within the birthday party he presided over. Before delving into the actual nuts and bolts of how hip-hop was defined within DJ Kool Herc’s individual style, it is necessary to discuss some of the primal influences that he experienced within Jamaica. Firstly, it can and should be understood by the reader that Jamaica represented a unique environment in which former African slaves far outnumbered Caucasians. As a function of the way in which British trade, sugar plantations, run manufacturing, and slave trading were affected for much of Jamaica’s history, this demographic differential was realized. In such a way, as compared to the United States Jamaica had a more homogenous culture that shared in distinct societal, musical, religious, and other levels of self identification and oneness. In such a way, DJ Kool Herc’s early influence was with regards to the fact that he was raised in the capital of Jamaica, Kingston, and regularly accompanied his father’s band in many musical performances (Brunson 7). One particular aspect of DJ Kool Herc’s style that was developed and evolved within Jamaica was with regards to how he emulated the toasting style that many Jamaican DJs utilize as a means of talking over four toasting the records he spun. This in and of itself was a primal influence with regards to the way in... It is the further hope of the researcher of this essay, that by engaging with the information within this essay, the reader will calm to a more full and complete understanding of the way in which and pop music was born and why it has developed in the unique way in which it has. As with many forms of art and expression, hip-hop was born during the early 1970s. Beyond merely giving birth to this defining genre of uniquely American music, this particular decade was fertile ground for the development and expression of new art forms, music, means of understanding, philosophy, and a range of other expression and thought related activities. Due to the way in which society was beginning to cast off the balance that it previously defined it and actively seeking to create new realities and means of expression to fit the needs and trends of the current generation, hip-hop was yet another in a long line of new wave expressionism that ultimately caught on and has prevailed for over 40 years now. Just as with rock ‘n roll before it and jazz before rock ‘n roll, hip-hop has its roots in the evolution in combination of many other types of music. It is also hoped by the author that after reading the preceding discussion and analysis of hip-hop and its birth, one will be able to calm to the realization in conclusion that hip-hop not only was an evolution from existing forms of music but was like any other development something that links the artistic talents and expressions of a number of different individuals in order to fully manifest itself.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Life and Oxygen Essay Example for Free

Life and Oxygen Essay This assignment requires answering questions based on the exhibit â€Å"The Earliest Traces of Life† at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. The exhibit that you are to see is on the right side as you enter the Rotunda from Jefferson Street. Enter the exhibit hall under the dinosaur banner. As you go through this doorway, the exhibit is located to the right. For additional information on the location, hours, ect., go the museum web site at and click on the Information desk link. Study the exhibit and answer the following questions. Submit your answers in Blackboard. Please view the short movie that comes along with the exhibit. Early Atmosphere 1. How abundant was oxygen in the early atmosphere? The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was abundant, however, due harmful radiation waves from the sun, photosynthetic systems such as plants were not able to evolve thus leaving the state of oxygen subtle. 2.What evidence do scientists have that the oxygen content of our atmosphere has increased since the earth’s origin? The O-zone layer is composed of 3 oxygen atoms formed after photosynthetic organisms release an extra oxygen molecule into the atmosphere. 2. Why is oxygen more abundant in the atmosphere today? Because of the high amount of plants that produce oxygen which were not here in the early stages of life on earth 3. What are stromatolites? Stromatolites are the bindings of microorganisms on rocks and stones, usually submerged underwater, these rocks are usually used as samples for the earliest signs of life 4. What do scientists think is implied by the presence of stromatolites in Precambrian rock? Scientists would conclude that life was formed underwater and the process of evolution eventually allowed multi-cellular organisms to make their way off the ocean and/or bodies of water. 5. What is ozone and how is it produced? The o-zone layer is the protective layer made of 3 oxygen atoms, it is usually formed by the extra oxygen resulted from a photosynthetic organism. 6. Why is ozone important to life today? Because it protects us from ultra-violet rays from the sun which are extremely harmful and sometimes fatal to all life forms. 7. What effect did increased levels of oxygen in the atmosphere have on early life forms? It caused organisms that were not light and/or oxygen dependent to disappear as mammals and other multi-cellular organisms began to take over.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Social networking Essay Example for Free

Social networking Essay After investigating social networking sites (SNS) and their consequences on todays society, I have come up with different views and I was not able to decide whether they influence in a positive way or in the negative way. In my view if each SNS user considered some boundaries for themselves regarding their occupation or other matters, relating their age the use of SNS does not cause any threat or harm. The huge disadvantage of these sites is that we are not aware of the other persons true identity but as I said before by considering some boundaries, mean not providing confidential information we can secure us from different types of safety issues. Social Networking is a way which is used to socialize via the internet and portable devices. During my research I have read a Time online article Is social networking a waste of time? and found that in organisations the loss of productivity is because of employees multi-tasking between actual work and social network which I will discuss further on in this essay. As I moved forward on this research I gain more information about SNS and found another useful article Is my space is good for society in which experts has discussed the SNS effects on our society. This research along with class discussions and handouts will construct this research project. As I mentioned before SNS users has to consider boundaries regarding their occupation, if they are going to ignore this point they will not produce beneficial results, such as employees at work place use the SNS to communicate to their families or friends they cannot put as much effort as they spouse to towards their job which will be result for company in loss of productivity. An estimate shows that British industry loss i 6. 5 billion per annum productivity and uncertain bandwidth usage. Lets look at the student progress in High school for a while; a Global Secure System performed a survey on 500 English school children between the age of 13 and 17. The result of this survey shows that 51% of student confirmed to being on SNS to check their profiles during lessons and over a quarter declare that they spend more than 30 minutes on SNS each day at school. All these result shows that teens are very serious about social networking. For them failing to attend to these duties could end friendships and go down their reputations. On the University level the use of SNS are same as in other educational areas. But I have noticed that after being encouraged and directed by their professors student have made good use of these resources. A lecturer at John Cabot University in Rome reveal that he encourage the students to be creative, to promote their online student newspaper which just over a year from launch is pulling in progressively rising traffic. No doubt all the blog, Facebook and MySpace mentions are helping. He had students who use social networking sites to build and promote projects on fighting poverty and eradicating hunger, organising music gigs art and photo exhibitions plus arrange meet ups for political rallies. An assistant professor of Telecommunication Information Studies and Media at Michigan State University believe that SNS have made us better off as a society and individuals. By the passage of time we will see increase in SNS utility as more population will adopt it. Political activities organized via Facebook, Job found through LinkedIn and growing amount of academic research on SNS are the evidence of positive outcomes of this technology. During the last three years a research has been carried out by a team at the Michigan State university to find out why individuals would voluntarily use a site that based on media reports, offer only a way to disclose information they should not reveal, collect hundreds of friends they did not know and waste time which can be spent on studies. In this research they done a survey to understand the benefit individuals receive from their relationships with other on SNS. They found that individuals are able to receive information and ideas from the people they dont know very well. They are using Facebook to increase the size of their social network and therefore their access to more information and various perspectives. To observe SNS from psychological point I want to state the views of a psychology professor William Reader at Sheffield Hallam University. He thinks it is difficult to say with any degree of assurance that SNS influence in a good way or bad way. He believe that SNS may help to make friends without engaging in face to face contact with people but face to face contact are very important. Shared attitudes are important for friendship. We know that people like to join together with people who are like them. The more similar we are to our friends the less room there is for argument on interest. In his opinions SNS will never replace face to face communication in the development of close friendships. Anyone can post you are cool on the Facebook but genuine smiles and laughs are a much more dependable signs of someones suitability as a trustworthy friend. We can realize that many people on SNS are meeting with other people before they meet each other face to face. As a result of this when many students begin university; they find themselves with a group of readymade associates. Given peoples liking for people who are like them growing the development of homogeneous friendship networks. In a way this cannot be considered as a good situation, choosing potential friends via Facebook profiles, it mean that people cut themselves off from unexpected encounters with those who are apparently different from them, ethnically, socio-economically and even in term of musical taste. A former Apple marketing director and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution Steve Chazin believe that this technology has changed our lives for the better, but at a cost. It provides great benefits but also the way we use to live are changing and everybody cannot happily adopt these changes. In their opinions tools provided by SNS have improved the quality of peoples lives and made it nearly effortless for us to keep in touch with friends, family, colleagues and also have increased the chances to make new friends and create a community. The negatives are that all the sharing of information can lead to some harmful situations like recruiters can assess young professionals profiles which are applying for jobs by hacking into their SNS accounts and make decision on based of the accessed information. As well as becoming computer addicted and committing suicide can also become a matter due to the SNS. Now having researched into social networking my views are still the same as I originally thought but now I have more knowledge, a better understanding of social networking and why people do it. Also I realize that negative impact of SNS can be reduced by encouraging and directing the users in positive way e. g. education, advertising etc Also I was immensely delighted to discover individuals views regarding the future which they believe we can interact with others on the Web, by having truly immersive face to face video conversations and experience a fusion of our real and cyber worlds where second life becomes second nature.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing Factors In Pepsi Cola Organisation

Marketing Factors In Pepsi Cola Organisation Company Background Pepsi Co is a world leader in convenient snacks, foods, and beverages, with revenues of $60 billion and over 285,000 employees. PepsiCo owns some of the worlds most popular brands, including Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Lays, Doritos, Tropicana, Gatorade, and Quaker. Our brands are available worldwide through a variety of go-to-market systems, including direct store delivery (DSD), broker-warehouse, and food service and vending. PepsiCo was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana was acquired in 1998 and PepsiCo merged with the Quaker Oats Company, including Gatorade, in 2001. Divisions Report operations results as follows, by six segments: PepsiCo Americas Beverages (PAB) Frito-Lay North America (FLNA) Quaker Foods North America (QFNA) Latin America Foods (LAF) Europe Asia, Middle East Africa (Investors/Corporate-Profile.html, 2010) I have selected the carbonated drinks industry for this report and discuss relative to the Pepsi under their industry conditions. International Business of Carbonated Drinks Industry Carbonated Drinks Market is growing High profitability and lack of barriers to entry led to the emergence of many new players in the market of carbonated drinks. Competition in the market is increasing and as a result profitability has been decreased by 15% in 2 years in the UK market. Company held the strategic analysis and decided to begin expansion to the new market. Companies are doing marketing researches in all geographical locations and try to find better new market for entry. Despite the presence of several competitors in the market the companies having chance to enter in to new locations and try to find grab predominant market share. The drinks market is attractive for the Pepsi Company because of its lowly competitive and having huge target audience throughout the UK. Company hopes to built there strong brand that will defend chosen market from penetration of new players and give the company profits at the higher level. The companys strategy involves building a strong distribution network in small satellite c ities in addition to the urban areas. Bad condition of the water from the municipal central water supply system and lack of prospects for their repair and modernization Unsuitable for drinking and cooking water supplied from municipal central supply system greats a high demand for pure drinking water purified populations. This situation is general for the whole country and its solution requires great financial cost. According to the current economic situation in the country the current situation is unlikely to be rectified in the next 10 years. The marker of pure drinking water is very big. Every resident should to consume every day about 2 liters of water, so the company considers a promising development of its activities in this market in the next 10 years. Therefore people trust the pureness of bottled carbonated drinks and avoid the bad effects of them. Growth by 15 times the tax on the production of drinking water / Carbonated Drinks in bottles from 1 may 2010 Carbonated drinks in bottles are substitute of water sold in the consumer packaging. Despite of its high price it has a raw of advantages such as Accessibility in every grocery in a city and Presented by famous brands. This drinks came directly as a response to public demand for pure drinking water and during that time became very popular in spite of price that 2-4 times higher than for drinking water sold in the consumer packaging. The introduction of the rule of this law will lead to the transition of customers to the consumption of water sold in the consumer packaging and persuade people to drink carbonated drinks due to the cost advantage. Improvement of technologies of individual water purification system and reducing of their cost This substitute is very popular in the market. Advantage of individual water purification systems is a possibility of their using directly at a consumer home by using water from the municipal central supply system. Cost of purification of 1 liter of water with the use such system is approximately equal of price of drinks sold in the customer packaging. However such systems have a number of weaknesses. Cheap models that cost about 10 USD purify water with a middle quality that significantly inferior to the quality of water purified by professional systems. It can be also dangerous for health to use such systems because delays in the replacement of filters can cause the user to use water with bacteria and viruses. Expensive individual purification water systems that give higher water quality comparable in quality with given by professional systems have high initial cost about 100-300 USD, that for considerable cost of UK populations in a monthly income. Also they dont purify water from bacteria and viruses. However cheap individual purification water systems are becoming more popular in the market. Companies should to develop response strategy for these substitutes. Because of all above factors the carbonated drinks market is still growing with huge industrial rivalry. The international business environment 2.1 Micro / Macro factors affecting to Pepsi in Globally SWOT Analysis Strengths S1 Experience in developing distribution chain in the industry S2 Experience in conducting promotion in the industry S3 Company provides strong control of servicing customers S4 Competitive and flexible pricing S5 High quality of water which is ideal for food that confirmed by certificates Weaknesses W1 Lack of natural drinks in the range of the company and specialized in carbonated drinks. W2 Company doesnt have service of delivering drinks to customers home W3 Difficulties in branding in the industry to heavy competition and should maintain promotions daily Opportunities O1 Growth by 15 times the tax on the production of drinking water in bottles from 1 may 2010 O2 Low prices for the rental of retail space and down wages, that allow company to cut cost O3 The market has a big potential of growth and now it is completed just for 30% O5 There is low competition in the chosen market O6 Bad condition of the water from the municipal central water supply system and lack of prospects for their repair and modernization O7 Growing concern of the population about their health O8 Development of vending technologies for selling pure drinking water O9 Severe pollution of water resources in the region Our strength S4 and S5 will help us to grab opportunity O1 and take some customers from segments of water in the bottles Our strengths S1 with opportunity O2, O3, O8 will help us to develop distribution chain in the city very quickly Our strengths S2, S3, S4, S5 with opportunities O3, O5, O6, O7, O9 would contribute to great sales of the company in the chosen market Weaknesses W1, W2 prevents us to fully utilize opportunities O3, O5, O6 Treats T1 Improvement of technologies of an individual water purification systems and reducing of their cost T2 The absent of barriers in the industry and low initiate investments attract new players T3 Expected growth prices by 10% for water from the municipal central water supply system that used by company for purification drinking water Our strengths S1 , S2 and S4, S5 will help us to minimize impact on the market The treat T1 Our strengths S1, S3, S4 will help us to minimize chances of new entrances to the market Opportunity O2 will eliminates treat T4 Weakness W2 with treat T1 can cut share of the industry in the market of pure drinking water. We need to develop promotion program that will stimulate population to use just quality water purred by professional systems Weakness W1 with treat T3 great opportunity for other companies to entry the market with offer of natural drinking water sold in the customer packaging and grab segment of the market. So company should initiate project of sales natural drinking water from own distribution chain for the segment of the market that want to drink just natural water 2.2 PESTEL Variable Factors Political and Legal Growth by 15 times the tax on the production of drinking water in bottles from 1 may 2010 Total corruption in the controlling state bodies Bad condition of the water from the municipal central water supply system and lack of prospects for their repair and modernization Economic Low prices for the rental of retail space caused by economic recession in 2009 Down wages, high level of unemployment Expected growth prices by 10% for water from the municipal central water supply system that used by company for purification drinking water Reduction in purchasing power of the population Socio-cultural Growing concern of the population about their health Negative attitude of population toward quality of water from municipal central water supply system Technological Improvement of technologies of an individual water purification systems and reducing of their cost Development of vending technologies for selling pure drinking water Ecological Severe pollution of water resources in all around the world 2.3 Porters 5 Forces Analysis Buyer Power is moderate: Bottling companies and retailers constitute the main buyers in the carbonated soft drinks market. The latter represents the most significant force yet despite their large size and concentration, it is the public that drives the market (heavy marketing campaigns and brand consciousness are a warrantee that popular products must be stocked, reducing the power of buyers). Although Pepsi does not do any bottling, the company owns about 36% of Pepsi Enterprises which is the largest Pepsi bottler in the world (Murray, 2006a). Since Pepsi owns the majority of the bottler, that particular supplier does not hold much bargaining power. Suppliers Power is moderate: Pepsi is dependent on suppliers for various ingredients and vulnerable to certain commodities price fluctuations. However, the availability of substitutes reduces their power. N.B: the advertising and marketing agencies represent key suppliers (very concentrated) but their power is moderate. New Entrants threat is weak: they face important barriers such as strong brand loyalty and substantial fixed costs. The nature of the market also demands an intensive marketing campaign in order to create and maintain a successful brand awareness and image. The difficulty in dislodging the main players of the market is linked to the importance of economy of scale which inevitably benefits current mass manufacturers. Substitutes threat is moderate: there are various substitutes such as alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee and non-carbonated soft drinks. But the diversity of public demand ensures that a wide range of products offered by Pepsi will be stocked by retailers. For many consumers, such products represent alternatives and not substitutes. Industry competition is a moderate force: with only a limited number of players, competition is lessened as each established competitor secures an important segment of the market thanks to strong branding and product differentiation. Coca Cola and Pepsi Co dominate the industry with strong brand names and great distribution channels. Forces Factors Threat of substitutes The individual water purification systems. The cost of water with the use of the individual water purification systems is approximately equal to the cost of water sold in the customer packaging. Cost of cheap purification systems sold at the supermarkets is low (about 10 USD), so its the easiest way for customer to have pure water directly at home. Drinking water in bottles. This water is available in any store in the city. Its price higher by 3-4 times than drinking water sold in the customer packaging. Small part of customers uses this water every day for drinking and cooking. Some companies specialize in supplying the offices of drinking pure water in bottles. This market is strong competitive. Threats of new enters Licences or any other special permission arent needed to entry the market. Initial investment to start business in this market is about 20  000 USD, so it is some easy to entry in the market. It is easy to organize distribution chain by setting up chain of outlets in a chosen area. It is low chances for new outlets to be opened near existing one, because owners understand that there much area is free in the market and strong competition will kill profits. Density of rivalry Industry is growing by 20-30% every year In the chosen market competition is low, existing sellers are getting super profits Brands arent developed at all. The companies havent differentiated their products in the minds of buyers because of low competition and havent provide any marketing events The market has a big potential of growth and now it is completed just for 30% The most important competitive advantage is a dense distribution chain Bargaining power of buyers Buyers are individual and amount of purchase is small, so buyers dont have significantly impact on prices. Buyers can easy switch on substitute products or on purchasing water from a competitor outlet if it is available in the nearest area. Product cost isnt significant for buyers, so their sensitivity to price isnt very big Buyers are sensitive to quality of product and to information about it Bargain of suppliers Producer of drinking pure water distribute it by own distribution chains and use water for purification from municipal water supply system International strategies of the company Strategies As for the growth strategy, I choose the Product Development strategy because decided to create a new product for existing customers and because it is a medium risk strategy. And for the competitive strategy, I choose the differentiation strategy because Pepsi is a very innovative company, the unique selling point being having a great Energy drink with the amazing taste of Coke Zero. It is costly but Coca is a multinational company and the leader in its market. STP Segmentation criteria: Market Size: UK, Males, Age: 15-35, Wage: , Students, Professionals, Sports People, Urban people. Targeting criteria: Influence, Strategic Fit, Disposable Income, and Reachable, likely to buy. Targets: Professionals and Sports People. Positioning: Sporty, Cool, Young, Adventure, Personality, Unique. Tactics Product Core Product: NRJ Coke Zero, satisfy the need of thirst and vitamins Second Product: (first added value): taste, design, quality, brand, innovation, Third: After sales, cool personality, differentiation, Why innovation: Rationale for my product development: Stay competitive in the energy drinks market Retain market share Trends NPD (New Product Development) Idea Generation and screening Business Analysis Market Testing Commercialise Price Price Elasticity: Perfect Elasticity: Intermediate pricing Place / Distribution Channels Indirect distribution because it allows more market reach, maximum availability of products, minimum costs of ownership and infrastructure. As a matter of fact, the targeted segments are very large (FMCG product). Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages such as the brand is diluted: the competitors can have a stronger power on retailers which might lead to less availability or lack of presentation and merchandising. Also commissions: The power of retailers may have adverse impacts on the companys margins and profits. Intensity of Distribution: Intensive Distribution: Prelaunch exclusive then intensive starting from the introduction stage. Integration of Distribution: Backward Vertical Integration: B2B: Upstream relationship (with suppliers: contracts, acquisition of suppliers and bottlers, mergers, joint ventures, strategic alliances). Forward Vertical Integration: B2B with retailers: Downstream. B2C: CRM, Mass Media, Loyalty cards, research. Pepsi collects information from the retailers, Promotion / Communication: Objectives: D Æ’Â   Differentiate 40% R Æ’Â   Reinforce the message 0% I Æ’Â   Inform 40% P Æ’Â   Persuade (call to action) 20% In the introduction stage, my main objectives are to inform and differentiate. Then develop a COMMUNICATION STRATEGY: PUSH: Pepsi Æ’Â   Retailer ( trade magazines, promotion, incentives) (25%) PULL: Pepsi Æ’Â   Customer ( TV advertising..) (25%) PROFILE: Pepsi Æ’Â   Retailers and Customers ( brand image, sponsor events, celebrity endorsement). (50%) because main CSF is strong brand image Develop Brand: Umbrella branding: NRJ Pepsi Zero Promotional Mix ABOVE THE LINE ( Mass reach, not customised) TV teaser, TV adverts, Radio, Press, Billboards BELOW THE LINE (Customised) Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion THROUGH THE LINE (Cinema, fashion magazine, event sponsor,) Sponsorship Samples Exhibitions PR/ Publicity 2012 London Olympic Games 04. Effectiveness of the companys international strategies 4.1 Value Chain Analysis In Bound Logistics: Some of Pepsis most notable suppliers include Spherion, Jones Lang LaSalle, IBM, Ogilvy and Mather, IMI Cornelius, and Prudential. These companies provide Pepsi with materials such as ingredients, packaging and machinery. In order to ensure that these materials are in satisfactory condition, Pepsi -cola has put certain standards in place which these suppliers must adhere to (The Supplier Guiding Principles). These include: compliance with laws and standards, laws and regulations, freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced and child labor, abuse of labor, discrimination, wages and benefits, work hours and overtime, health and safety, environment, and demonstration of compliance (Pepsi Cola 2006). Process: Pepsi purchases its own ingredients through use of future contracts (to avoid market volatility) and produces its concentrate from its own facilities. Once this is done, these companies send their concentrate out to bottlers upon approval of contract for bottling company. Outbound Logistics: Once the bottling company receives the shipment of concentration, it is diluted to the correct concentration by adding the correct amount of carbonated water, and sugar, and bottled for sale. This is done for two reasons. One reason is so that Pepsi can maintain its exact mix of ingredients as a well-kept secret, and not let the bottling companies know what exactly goes into its product. This affects the image of the product, and preserves it as something of higher value, and actually applies a sense of prestige to the Pepsi products that are kept such excellent secrets. Pepsi operates by sending concentrate to bottlers, who then take the necessary actions, and ship out its products to consumers and vendors. Automation in technology in cash registers allows Pepsi and the bottling companies who bottle and ship the contents of each bottle to know exactly how much of their product the merchant is carrying. This allows for a quick delivery of more products for the merchant to sell in a nice and timely procedure. (Source: article VCA) JDA Software Group has announced that Pepsi Bottling Co. Consolidated, with 6,000 employees and $1.4 billion in annual revenue, has upgraded its JDA Software supply chain management solutions to Version 7.4, including JDA ® Demand, JDA ® Fulfillment and JDA ® Transportation Planning, all powered by Manugistics ®. Pepsi Consolidated expects to further improve forecast accuracy, customer service levels, order fill rates and on-time deliveries with the support of JDA Software. JDA Softwares Supply Chain Optimisation and Transportation Logistics Management solutions allow companies to respond rapidly to shifts in consumer demand, as well as manage, optimise and execute the strategic, operational and tactical business processes that transform the supply chain into a strategic differentiator. (Source: Forecasting Demand Planning). Sales Marketing: Marketing and Sales for Pepsi e is huge. Pepsi relies extensively on advertising and sales promotion in marketing its products. Pepsi Enterprises and TCCC have established a Global Marketing Fund, under which TCCC pays Pepsi Enterprises $ 61.5 million annually through December 31, 2014, as support for marketing activities. (Source: annual report). After Sales: David Johnston, JDA Software senior vice president of manufacturing and wholesale distribution, said, JDAs innovative supply chain solution enabled Pepsi Consolidated to achieve substantial inventory reductions while also delivering significant improvements in customer service levels. Additionally, sales from new product introductions improved greatly. More and more companies are focusing on achieving true supply chain optimisation excellence in a quest to deliver improved market responsiveness, better lifecycle management, optimised network-wide inventory levels, increased customer service levels, and reduced logistics costs. JDA Software has continually delivered innovation that provides manufacturers, wholesale distributors and retailers with unparalleled optimisation and visibility into the extended supply chain that enables them to delight their customers and shareholders alike. (Source: Forecasting Demand Planning). 4.2 7 Ps and 7 Ss 7 Ps STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES PRODUCT 1. Great Energy drink with the popular Pepsi Zero taste 2. Carbon drink 3. Enriched with vitamins 4. Innovation in products and packaging 5. Consumer and customer goodwill associated with the brand portfolio 6. Very strong brand awareness ensures that Pepsi popular products must be stored by retailers 1.Seasonality in the UK 2. The energy drinks are usually considered as unhealthy and too sweet 3.Competing with Red Bull which is the leader ( de loin) PRICE 1. Same price as Red bull 2. Affordable for Coke Zero consumers 3. Price package architecture (different pricing options) 1. Ingredients and packaging costs per case increase, as finished goods and increasing cost of sparkling beverage concentrate. 2. Same price as Red Bull but same taste as Pepsi, so needs to justify the price by insisting on the added vitamins and quality of Stevia sweetener. PLACE 1. Pepsi owns the largest beverage distribution system 2. NRJ Coke Zero will be available everywhere 3. Will benefit from the Pepsi existing and well established distribution channels 1. Changes in the relationships with large customers may negatively impact financial results 2. Disagreement among bottlers could lead to complicated negotiation with customers, suppliersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 3. Dilution of the Coke brand as it is sold in the retailers shelfs 4. Referencing challenge as it is a question mark product for the retailers PROMOTION 1. Heavy marketing and advertising campaigns 2. Heavy use of celebrity endorsement 3. Effective PR 4. TCCC is the official sponsor of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in the UK 1. Expensive Marketing and Advertising campaigns 2. Expensive promotion as it is to inform and differentiate the product PEOPLE 1.Great customer service 2.Improved customer service through the implementation of a new selling system for smaller customers 1. The customer facing staff are not part of the TCCC personnel, their customer service is not homogeneous and dedicated to Pepsi 2. The staff are not expert of the new product and will not be able to sell it properly or explain its attributes to the final customers PROCESS 1. Constant innovation in the equipment and in supply chain infrastructure improvement 2. Very efficient supply chain, linking the retailers stocks to TCCC bottling partners directly for reordering 1.Long processes as it is a multinational 2. Long decision making process PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 1.Great vending, dispensing machines, coolers 2. Great head offices 3. Strong brand, trademark, Pepsi bottler, great packaging and design 4. Very comprehensive and well elaborated website 1. Variety of shops Recommendations for improvement The marketing plan takes the corporate objectives and communicates them into measurable outcomes. Piercy (2002) states that The real strategic problem in marketing is not the strategy it is marketing the implementation and the change (p166 CIM) Lack of skills An effective organizational structure and committed leadership is needed to deliver the marketing plan (CIM p166). Improving marketing skills in the company Presentation of operational proposal for addressing the : Lack of Resources A lack of sufficient financial budgets and people to support the required task needed to implement the plan. Time constraints can also affect the delivery of the plan. Organizational Culture The culture of the company could hinder the development of the marketing plan across the company. The existing shared values of the organizations. The established processes and company traditions can make departments resistant to change. Systems Internal Marketing Internal marketing and resource allocation will need to be planned to Ensuring people sell expected targets and Undertaking effective communicate brand images and ensure value based marketing Strategy not suitable for the business The strategy needs to be approved by Managing directors to determine its accuracy and Turbulent market environment The unpredictable changes in the market will make the marketing plan The inclusion of an contingency planning and benchmarking

Self-Concept and Education :: Education Learning Educational Essays

Self-Concept and Education An attractive dark-skinned black child with a tall and slender body, Jewel inhabits her third-grade universe with the energetic self-assuredness of someone who is eager for the next lesson, the next week, the next grade, her future. She's eight years old-going on nine, not nineteen, and you wouldn't guess that her mother died of a drug overdose a couple of years ago. You don't have to guess because her teacher will freely share the information with you a stranger--accompanied by an expression filed with smugness about self-fulfilling prophecies--if you comment even casually about Jewel's good attendance and punctuality record, praise her consistently neat home and class work admire her excellent handwriting, one of the best cursives in the class. In a classroom of thirty third-graders, Jewel is one of two black children. The other child is racially mixed with some African-American parentage but her physical features and color blend in seamlessly and nearly anonymously with all of th e other tan, tawny, golden Latino, Filipino, white, and Asian children in the class. This is a restless bunch of third- graders, except for those half-dozen who are usually too sleepy or enervated by 9:00 or 10:00 a.rn. to do any more than put their heads down on the desk when they can. Five or six students are always extremely quiet in the class, but the behaviors of the majority range from the docile but talkative to the intensely and continually disruptive and unmanageable. Jewel is talkative but is also wary and sensitive; she watches the others, watches the teacher, and desists when necessary. She has reasonable self-control, does not appear to be incorrigible, is cooperative and tractable most of thc time, is appropriately silent and focused for stretches of time, and is considered a good student by the usual everyday measurements. On this day, Jewel is talking and laughing, almost dancing--so absorbed and delighted with her classmates' topic or the moment--with the enviable childhood balloon of rising silliness and laughter that no brow-wrinkling, long division problem can easily burst--Jewel gets louder and forgets to be watchful, but it is too late. The teacher looks toward Jewel from the other side of the room, and I can tell from teacher's expression--her mean-curved lips, the narrowing of her wide blue eyes, her reddening cheeks--that Jewel is toast. From across the room teacher yells, "Jewel, sit down and be quiet--you're acting like an animal!"

Monday, August 19, 2019

AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS Dementia Complex :: AIDS Disease Diseases Essays

AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS Dementia Complex Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the biologic agent of the AIDS syndrome, has emerged as one of the most important threats to public health in the United States and its incidence is rapidly increasing. A highly lethal disease with over 70% of AIDS patients dying within 2 years of diagnosis. This disease has already become the leading cause of death in men aged 25-44 and women aged 25-34. The Centers for Disease Control have for the purpose of epidemiological surveillance, defined AIDS as a "reliably diagnosed disease that is at least moderately indicative of an underlying cellular immunodeficiency in a person who has no underlying cause of cellular immunodeficiency nor any other cause of reduced resistance reported to be associated with that disease." [5] The pathophysiology of HIV is indicative of a retrovirus. At the cellular level the most distinct feature of AIDS is the depletion of the helper-inducer lymphocytes or T-helper cells. The specific antigen CD4 present on these lymphocytes appears to be the target of the AIDS retrovirus. HIV does not usually cause disease as soon as it is acquired and therefore in most cases, has a latency period which may be variable. The ultimate problem in this disease is the progressive immunosuppresslon due to the lack of lymphocytes. The nervous system is an early and obvious site of disease in AIDS In addition to the opportunistic infections that the defect in cell mediated immunity allows, there is neurologic damage directly attributable to the AIDS virus. Dysfunction’s of practically all parts of the nervous system have been reported as a direct or indirect result of HIV infection [3]. The human immunodeficiency virus directly attacks cells in the nervous system, although it does not cause morphologic injuries to the neurons. It causes disabling, but not necessarily irreversible changes to the brain and spinal cord. The most common manifestation of this virus is a progressive dementia associated with subacute encephalopathy which is a part of the AIDS Dementia Complex. Spinal cord, cranial nerve, and peripheral nerve damage also occur but at a much lower frequency and are less likely to command the overall course or the disease. As more is learned about HIV infection, the effect on the nervous system be comes more apparent. Estimates on the Prevalence of neurologic consequences of AIDS range from 31-65% in adults and 50-90% in children[5].

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Religion :: Theology Religion Philosphy Research

The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Religion ABSTRACT: Clarity concerning what kind of knowledge a religious person possesses is of the utmost importance. For one thing, J. Whittaker remarks that believers must have some knowledge that enables them to make the distinction between literal and non-literal descriptions of God. (1) In the believer's perception 'God is a rock', but not really a rock. God however really is love. Whittaker suggests that making this distinction requires knowledge that cannot be metaphysical or experiential, but a more basic form which he terms 'practical' knowledge. Without going into his discussion of the metaphysical and experiential view, I would like to elaborate on this notion of knowledge in three steps. Firstly, I want to consider a short passage in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (A 132-3 / B 171-2) on judgment. This passage points out that we necessarily know more than we can say or state. Secondly, Michael Polanyi's account of tacit knowledge will be introduced to see what 'religious tacit kno wledge' could mean to be. Thirdly, analysis of a text from Meister Eckhart's Reden der Unterweisung will aim to show the relevance of this notion of practical (or tacit) knowledge in religious contexts. 1. Kant on judgment in the Critique of Pure Reason With the expression 'practical knowledge' no reduction of all forms of knowledge to the world of the tactile is intended. It does, however, commit us to the view that knowledge can never be purely notional. There is in the acquisition of knowledge an element which Gilbert Ryle has termed 'knowing how'. Calculating can be a merely mental operation (as in mental arithmetic), but that doesn't take away the fact that one has to know how to calculate. It is in this sense of 'art' that the word 'practical' has to be understood. Western philosophy seems to be marked - from its early beginning - by a certain intellectualism. Intellectualism is the conviction that wants to install a strong distinction between knowledge and abilities, between theory and practice. The theoretical knowledge-act is characterised as a purely mental event, as a kind of contemplation, while any form of practice or ability is seen as an application of previously acquired theoretical knowledge. The distinction values theory over practice because, in this view, practice depends on theory and not the other way round. In his Critique of Pure Reason Kant dedicates a text to judgment entitled 'Of the transcendental faculty of judgment in general' ('Von der Transzendentalen Urteilskraft à ¼berhaupt' A 132-3 / B 171-2).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

This is Water Summary Essay

Wallace delivered the Kenyon College commencement address that was not the typical commencement address you would normally hear at a graduation. He starts off his speech by telling a story having the idea that even the most â€Å"important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about. † He talks about living in the adult world that these soon to be graduates will enter and how it can be ere dull at times.And how learning about how to think about the choice we make in our life, the choices we make will impact our life whether it be a good impact, or a bad impact. Wallace delivers this speech (in a way to get these graduates not necessarily discouraged) giving the former students a face of reality that life is dull when you go through the same thing every day. And that when people go through the same thing â€Å"day in and day out† people tend to forget about the others around us.When forgetting about the other people around us occurs, Wallace belie ves that makes us believe that we are the â€Å"center of the universe. † This way of thinking as Wallace states is to be our â€Å"default setting† where we tend to block everyone our except for ourselves and if anyone gets in our way, then they must the ones at fault. Wallace also states, â€Å"if you really learn to pay attention, then you will know there are other options. † We have the choice to think of those other options, but we also have he choice to not think of those other options.Choosing the option to pay attention to the others around us and not be a â€Å"prisoner of our own brain† could possibly let ourselves live happier lives. Having awareness as Wallace stated, † Is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive In the adult world day In and day out. But, your education really Is the Job of a lifetime. † In conclusion, Wallace believes that we have choices to be aware of and to really think of the choices we make.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Pope Leo XIII-Rerum Novarum Essay

Encyclical is a letter from a Christian leader, particularly the pope, which is intended for general distribution among churches. The tern originally applied to some of the letters written by Saint Paul and early church writers called Apostolic Fathers that were sent to many churches. After the time of the Apostolic Fathers, bishops wrote encyclicals to the churches in their care. In modern times, encyclical has come to mean a letter written by the pope to Roman Catholic churches throughout the world. These letters have addressed such topics as church teachings, church discipline, current social and moral issues, peace, the rights of workers, and the plight of people living under oppression. Pope Leo XIII With the election to papacy by Leo XII in 1878 comes a new age in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. His reign was the second longest in papal history. Only Pius IX served longer. Leo wrote many encyclicals. One of the most famous was Rerum Novarum which he wrote in May 15, 1891. The aforementioned encyclical upheld the rights of labor. Pope Leo XIII sought to convince liberal administrations that it is possible for the church and the state to live in harmony. During his papacy, particularly intense anti-church feelings were expressed by Italy, France, and Germany. The pope was successful in reducing the liberal administrations limitations against the church. However he was a failure in Italy and France. If truth be told, in 1880, new anti-church laws were submitted by the French government. Such laws eliminated the church from several other areas of French lifestyle, prohibited religious education in academic institutions, and banished religious orders from the country. On the other hand, in Italy, oppositions against the church were expressed by both the government and its citizens. The pope started a new policy of maintaining an open communication between the church government and the daily life of the Catholics. To achieve this end, he authored several writings addressed to the Catholic community. His pronouncements covered different subjects ranging from the relationship between the state and the working class, theology and church decrees, Bible teachings, and philosophy. Rerum Novarum was his most important statement on social questions. Leo was open to new forms of government, but he still remained suspicious of democracy. In a letter to United States Catholics in 1895, he warned against seeing the American separation of church and state as an ideal for all nations. In 1899, he addressed another letter to the American church condemning Americanism, a movement that had many followers in France and Italy. It was an adaptation of such American concepts as religious liberty and the need to adjust the presentation of Catholic teachings to modern ideas and practices. Leo was born in Carpineto, Italy, near Rome. His given and family name was Giocchino Vincenzo Pecci. Rerum Novarum The expansion of factories and industry in the nineteenth century created a class of wealthy owners, a class of industrial workers, and a host of new social problems. The socialists proposed that the state should take over the factories from private ownership. In this official papal statement, Pope Leo XIII sought a middle ground, recognizing the oppression workers could suffer but rejecting the abolition of private property as a solution. In the Catholic tradition, Pope Leo XIII thinks of a job primarily as a way to support one’s family, not as a calling in itself – and this may be a more realistic approach to factory work. Rerum Novarum is conservative on issues of the father’s place in the family, but it was and is radical on issues of labor and capital. Rerum Novarum is the magna carta of Catholic social endeavor. Subtitled as â€Å"On Capital and Labor,† this encyclical expressed the Roman Catholic Church’s response to the labor tensions and social instability which have emerged in the advent of industrialization and ultimately marked the beginning of socialism. The Pope articulated that the function of the state is to maintain social justice by upholding the rights of the citizens, while the church must make a stand on social concerns to demonstrate proper social principles as well as to guarantee class harmony. Leo XIII reiterated the church’s ancient teaching concerning the central value of the rights to private property, but acknowledged, in one of the most popular passages of the encyclical that moral considerations must temper the free operation of market forces. Even while Rerum Novarum adheres to position of the conventional teaching regarding the duties and rights of property and the employee-employer relationship, it employs the ancient teachings particularly to current conditions. Describing the plight of the working class as an introduction, the encyclical then disputes the false Socialist philosophies and protects the right of private ownership. The real solution, as prescribed by the pope may be obtained through the united action between the employee, the employer, the state, and the church. The church as it should be is concerned in the social matter because of its moral and religious outlooks. The state, on its part has both the duty and right to interfere in the name of individual and social welfare and justice. Moreover, the workers and their employers should coordinate in separate and joint relations for their common protection. All of these were laid out with substantial details to address the main issues and interactions of social and industrial life. Further identifying the Catholic Church with labor, while vehemently criticizing socialism, Pope Leo XIII released the first of the social encyclicals. In 1891, eight years after the death of Karl Marx, Pope Leo XIII begins this encyclical by describing the industrialization in terms consistent with socialist analysis. In describing this process of industrialization, Pope Leo XIII clearly sympathizes with the plight of the common laborers who must sell their labor in exchange for less than a just wage to owners of the means of production who are not equally compelled to enter this contractual relationship. He recognizes that workers must unite and organize if they are to restore the power imbalances between laborers and the owners of the means of production. He clearly rejects a socialist revolution; instead, he calls for reforms that would mitigate the negative effects of the free market. He argues that socialism is misguided for at least two reasons. First, he states that the socialist cure, eliminating private property, is unjust for those owners of the means of production who have acquired their property through legitimate means. Second, workers would actually be worse off, he argues, if in the name of justice they lost their freedom to use the fruits of their labor as they pleased. Perhaps, no other proclamation on social concerns reached a wide audience or enjoyed broad influence. Rerum Novarum inspired an extensive Catholic social writings, as many non-Catholics regarded it as one of the most sensible and explicit pronouncements ever made concerning the issue in question. At times dismissed as vague, this encyclical is as precise as any text could be written for a number of nations in varying levels of industrial progress. Even while Rerum Novarum had formed a part of the established Catholic teachings for several years now in no way had it ever been expressed with distinct articulation and authority. Over the years, humanity has come towards a realization of how hard it is to describe the complete requirements of justice in terms of wages, a continuously growing number of persons turn to the message sent by the pope as the most successful and valuable principle of industrial justice that has ever been expressed in recorded history. The significance of Rerum Novarum lies in its clear depiction of the troubles confronting the urban poor during the 19th century. Also, this encyclical was remarkable for its condemning open capitalism. One of the solutions it recommended were the creation of trade unions as well as the introduction of collective bargaining, chiefly as a substitute to state intervention. It also acknowledged that the poor deserves to be considered when addressing social concerns. Such consideration is stressed by the concept of â€Å"preferential option for the poor† which is a contemporary Catholic principle. God’s special preference for the poor was initially expressed in Pope Leo’s Rerum Novarum.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Effects of Computer Gaming Essay

Technology nowadays has brought man to an era of digital and advanced world of computers. Not only are computers used in studies, research and work, it is now being used as part of leisure and entertainment. Most of the youth today know how computers work and even a 3 year old child who is still yet to learn how to read and write knows how to operate a simple computer. This is because the interactive element of a lot of software that computers use excites and attract children and this makes them learn to use and play with the computers. (Jones, 2002) Advancement in technology has drastically changed man’s way of living which has been made easier for most. It has come from diskette to very portable and stylish mini USB, from the ancient â€Å"three point eleven† personal computers with big and bulky monitors and CPUs to very user friendly touch screen-tablet PCs, and from limited Nintendo games like Mario brothers to a bunch of online and offline games like Dota, Counter Strike, Angry Birds, and Fruit Ninja etc. Such kind of improvements has led today’s generation to learning more of what life has to offer through the use of modern technologies like computers. Schools now facilitate teaching and learning through the use of computers. By the use of this kind of technology, learning is now more fun and a lot easier. Application of modern technology like computer-assisted teaching-learning on student’s aims to provide faster learning and ease of teaching and also provide the students of the advanced technology that they need to experience inside the classroom, and which they can apply when they are out of school. Since computer has a lot to offer to its users, it is also being used as entertainment and leisure and computer gaming being the most popular. There are lots of computer games that enhance the thinking abilities of students because of its gaming nature and environment like strategic gaming, word puzzles, etc. With this fact, learning through computer gaming helps students be more willing to study and learn more because, they are not just playing, they are also learning. The use of multimedia in education has significantly changed people’s learning processes. Results from a number of research studies indicate that appropriately designed multimedia instruction enhances students’ learning performance in science, mathematics, and literacy (Gee, 2003). Previous studies indicate that computer-assisted instruction programs have important factors that can motivate, challenge, increase curiosity and control, and promote fantasy in children (Tzeng, 1999). Despite the fact that computer and video games have the same multimedia capability as computer assisted instruction programs, their potential learning impact is often discounted by parents and educators. While computer gaming is regarded somewhat negative in educational settings, particularly for young students, re-scrutinizing of its influence in a teaching and learning context is vital since computer gaming can also be an education-assisted-program with proper implementation and application. While others confirm the negative effects of computer gaming to students’ performance in school and student’s health and mental ability, some authors argue that there are positive outcomes that a player can gain while playing computer video games. A research published in the Australasian Journal of Educational technology found that students who play computer and video games more frequently get lower grades than those who do not. However, it is also included in the research the positive effect of this activity to students as far as some specific video games are concerned which promote some elements that increases learning. On an online article entitled by Charles Pearson (2009) â€Å"Positive Effects of Computer Games on Student Achievement†, the author enumerated five positive significant effects of computer gaming to students. These include enhancing one’s problem solving capability, time and resource management, strategic life management skills, educational games promoting learning, and inherent instructional nature helps students to hone mastery skills. Playing video games needs a sharp mind and an alert reflexes because most of the games require thinking quickly to be able to achieve the games’ goal. According to a blog site on the web authored by Manali Oak (2009) which has an article entitled Positive Effects of Video Games states that since video gaming is interactive, it boosts the ability of one person to use his mind and hence, develops the thinking ability of the person playing. The author also said that video gaming is surely better than watching television as video games are interactive. In addition to what Manali Oak added that playing video games help benefit person with inferiority complex and lack of self confidence as they are experiencing sense of participation and a sense of achievement thus, building his self confidence. An excellent summary of the scant research that has been conducted is by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) on their research book Video game effects confirmed, suspected, and speculative: A review of the evidence. They reviewed the evidences for video game effects and grouped them into categories of confirmed, suspected, and speculative. By â€Å"confirmed,† the authors mean that the outcomes have received consistent empirical support for causal claims. They describe two such confirmed positive outcomes: (1) Playing video games can result in superior visual attention and (2) Video game play improves the ability to mentally rotate or arrange objects. They point out that the research shows that both violent and non-violent video games produce these positive effects. They also observed that educational video games and simulators can teach specific educational skills and knowledge such as algebra, biology, photography, computer programming, and flight training. The evidence for this connection is provided by Gee (2007) and Shaffer (2006). However, most of the games that they discuss are not commercially available. Perhaps such games will be developed and distributed more widely in the future. In the meantime, the evidence shows that video games can enhance learning if they are designed properly for that purpose. Another study tackled the good and bad effects of video games to children conducted by the Raise Smart Kids Organization. The study enumerated the positive effects of video games to children. Following instructions, problem solving and logic, hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills, resource management and logistics, multitasking, quick thinking and making fast analysis and decision, inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing are among those which enumerated by the author about the positive effects of video gaming. In addition, the article also included that video games can improve one’s decision making speed. People who played action-based video and computer games made decisions 25% faster than others without sacrificing accuracy, according to a study from the University of Rochester. Other studies suggests that most expert gamers can make choices and act on them up to six times a second—four times faster than most people, and can pay attention to more than six things at once without getting confused, compared to only four by the average person. Surprisingly, the violent action games that often worry parents most had the strongest beneficial effect on the brain, according to cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier, who studied the effect of action games at Switzerland’s University of Geneva and the University of Rochester in New York. Moving from the early years, the effects of socialization become more entrenched. In an article published in The Journal of Educational Computing, A. Colley (1994) reported that masculine gender role traits are associated with a more positive computer attitude and that there is a gender stereotype of science in general being masculine. According to Sax (2007) his book â€Å"Boys Adrift: The five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men† where he drew one fact well established by his conducted research revealed that violent video games cause aggressive behavior in the players. He argues that video games are so addictive that they satisfy the male need to power and control. It is evident in the country like the Philippines that the most popular computer games that the youth play in the computers are Dota, San Andreas, Counter Strike among others which are clearly promoting violence and aggression through its war and battle depiction. It can in effect, influence the youth as they play those kind of games which depict war, blood, killing, shooting etc. In a book by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) entitled Video Game Effects Confirmed, Suspected, and Speculative: A Review of the Evidence, it has stated that the â€Å"confirmed† negative effects of video games established by the research include aggressive thoughts and behavior, physiological arousal, and antisocial behavior. It was also explained that there are two variables that heighten the effects of computer games. One is depiction of blood, which results in higher levels of physiological arousal, aggressive feelings, and aggressive thoughts. Another is rewarding of violent acts, which also increases these effects. Since most of the computer games depicts violence, what they conceive in the monitors of their computers in the games that they are playing are somewhat becoming part of their reality. In an article on a by Sarah Arnette (2011) entitled The Negative Effects of Computer Gaming on Students, the author enumerated four negative effects of computer gaming on students. She used the General Aggression Model (GAM) developed by Craig Anderson and Douglas Gentile in conducting the study that helped the author come up with the results. The results showed the negative effects include short term aggression, lack of problem solving thinking ability, weight gain, and anti social behaviors. It is regarded that the negative effects of playing video games does not only affect the player’s mental ability but as well as that concerning their health and socialization. Computer gaming also affects the behavior of the players and on how they relate with other people. A study by Argosy University’s Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found out that game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Performance in class may be negatively affected due to significant time spent in playing video games. Studies conducted by Anderson and Dill (2000) and one that was conducted by Gentile, Lynch and Walsh (2004) show that the more a person spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. Computer gaming can also affect the health of the players. According to an online article entitled â€Å"the good and bad effects of video games† (2011), online gaming may also have bad effects on one’s health including obesity, video-induced seizures and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Conceptual Framework This study was based on a recent study conducted by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing (2009) and a study by the Raise Smart Kid organization which stated that there are confirmed positive and negative effects of computer gaming on studies of students who play the computer. Barlett, Anderson, and Swing stated that the â€Å"confirmed† negative effects of video games established by the research include aggressive thoughts and behavior, physiological arousal, and antisocial behavior On the other hand, Raise Smart Kid organization stated the good and bad effects of video games to. The article enumerated the positive effects of video games to children: following instructions, problem solving and logic, hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills, resource management and logistics, multitasking, quick thinking and making fast analysis and decision, inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing. Using the results of the study conducted by Barlett, Anderson, and Swing in 2009 and the study by the Raise Smart Kids Org as basis, this study aims to find out what effects do computer gaming have particularly on students of Business Administration of the College of the Immaculate Conception and enumerate both the positive and negative effects of the said activity on their studies and personal behavior.